Aging Parents: Fashionistas or Frumpy Dumpies? (updated–2015 store/catalog information)

includes 2015 catalog and website information for women’s clothing

Fashion week 2014 in New York: Young, beautiful girls, walking in sky-high shoes that would cause an aging parent to lose balance and break a bone. Clothing that’s probably a smaller size than any healthy aging parent would/could fit into, filled the runways. What’s a style-conscious aging parent to do?

Some older people don’t care–or perhaps they do care but are too depressed or lack the energy to make the effort.  Yet we’ve said many times, “look good, feel better.”  What comes first?

Aging parents and the elderly can look smart if they care and want to make the effort. And here’s where adult children can help. Think “presents”–gifts that pull clothing together (a cardigan sweater or jacket)–or an outfit. What about making the effort to take Mom on a shopping trip?

Clothing, of course, is only half of the equation. Hair is the other half. Think about the time hairdressers spend on models’ hair! (Check out Luca Luca grandma-style bunsfor an idea). Unkempt hair ruins a smart look, regardless of age or outfit. Then think easy-to-apply make-up.

Indeed, a great parent-present–for any occasion: arrange hair appointments with parent’s hairdresser–charged to you.  Or possibly have a fun outing like I did with R to check out wigs or hair pieces for those bad hair days…or possibly for every day. And perhaps try a new lipstick shade if you pass a cosmetics counter.

J, pictured at the beginning of this post, had hip replacement. This picture was taken a year later when she returned to the rehab center (where she had recuperated) to see a friend. A good hair style and a coordinated outfit make an 86-year-old woman look great, right?

Updated catalog and website iinformation for fashionable clothing appropriate for aging mothers and grandmothers:

1. NorthStyle (, 800-336-5666)
2. Appleseeds ( 800-767-6666)
3. Serengeti (, 800-426-2852)
4. Chico’s (888-855-4986); stores throughout the US.
5. Draper’s & Damon’s ( 800-843-1174); stores in 5 states.
6. JJILL (link has the best store-locator w/ phone # information box; local stores immediately viewed and great map for finding phone # and stores nearest you). Sr. Advisor R, at 101, still buys  jjill clothing through their catalog.

Happy Shopping! Whether for–or with–our elders. Whether online, catalogue, or at bricks and mortar stores: new clothes = look better and thus feel better–and that helps mothers, grandmothers, and even great-grandmothers age well.

Related: 2015 Fashionista or Frumpy-Dumpy~What’s a Daughter to Do? Click: Part 1
and   Fashionistas ages 67-93–Older Women and Aging Mothers who Look Good


Check out: “Newsworthy” (right sidebar). Links to timely information and research from top universities and respected professionals, plus some practical information–to help parents age well.