Inscription over gate on the campus of Scripps College, Claremont, California

Sadly, since May 2015 we have lost Dr. Bud (psychiatrist), Sr. Advisor R (age 101 died in June 2015) and D died in March 2016. Sr. Advisor R-2 passed away several years ago. Their wisdom lives on and we feel extremely  fortunate to have it preserved on this blog. New advisors will be introduced as we find them. That said, our standards are very high so this won’t happen immediately.

Few old and fewer old-old people are bloggers.  Thus their wisdom is not prevalent on blogs.  Excluding the professionals (geriatricians, social workers, psychologists and psychiatrists, physicians) who help aging parents, most of our internet information comes from those in the middle of the life cycle: adult children who went–or are going–through their parents’ aging situations.

The advisors to Help! Aging Parents–professionals and lay people–are, with one exception, 75+.  They have “walked the walk” and now want to “talk the talk” about:

1. growing old
2. what they like and dislike
3. what makes them feel good

They share thoughts and feelings about: driving, downsizing, insecurities, losing independence, feeling diminished, feeling useless–about things old parents don’t readily discuss with adult children.

The goal:  To help parents age well and help adult children do their best as they share in this part of their parents’ journey.

Our professional advisors, highly regarded in their fields, are: trust and estates attorney, RHWEsq who is still practicing. S.RN, a recently retired gifted nurse with significant experience in insurance. Sadly psychiatrist, Dr. Bud, died in May this year (2015). An outstanding psychiatrist whose professional expertise and wisdom fill many posts, Dr. Bud loved working with his patients–which he continued until a month before he died at age 86. How fortunate we are to have his legacy preserved on our blog! Together these professionals represent over 100 years of helping others.

being updated as you read this (11/17/15)

The accumulated wisdom and experience of the nonprofessional members of this advisory board total nearly 270 years. Meet  MR, and R-2 and D.  Age range: 81-100 years old.  They are smart, have an excellent understanding of themselves, and good common sense.  Their sensitivity to the challenges of aging, their ability to meet those challenges and their ability to express themselves make each of them “remarkable.”

They live in several parts of the United States and have, at minimum, one adult child.